Adlina - Dutch Orange Tulips & Cream Hyacinth
Adlina - Dutch Orange Tulips & Cream Hyacinth
Fun fact: 2020年4月27號荷蘭國慶日,荷蘭為答謝台灣於肺炎期間捐贈60萬口罩抗疫,專程空運3,999朵橙色國王鬱金香到台,以表達對台灣一線醫護人員嘅謝意。
荷蘭 - 鬱金香、風信子
哥倫比亞 - 小百合、康乃馨
Tulips, the official flower of the Netherlands, represent thoughtfulness, affection, attentiveness, capability and intelligence, forever blessing. This cheerful orange shade of tulips is a timeless reminder of beautiful memories. Perfect for both ladies & gents, family, congratulatory, graduation and thank you occasions. In 2020, Holland airlifted 3,999 orange tulips to Taiwan as a thank you gift for the donation of 600,000 masks during the pandemic.
Fresh flowers including :
Netherlands - Tulip, Hyacinth
Colombia - Alstroemerias, Carnation