Amber - Orange Japanese Dahlias & Ecuadorian Roses
Amber - Orange Japanese Dahlias & Ecuadorian Roses
🌼🧡 名貴罕有的雙色日本大理花,大理花的花語為「華麗」、「優雅」,是歐洲非常高貴的花朵,也是墨西哥的國花。她的花形結實茂密,層層多瓣堆疊,具有豪華瑰麗的氣勢。橙白雙色代表祝福和生活甜蜜快樂,顏色鮮艷搶眼,散發出無法抵擋的魅力,讓人一見就愛上!
尺寸 :
50cm W x 62cm H
🌼🧡 Experience the luxurious and elegant beauty of the rare double-coloured Dahlia from Japan - known as exquisite and gorgeous in Europe, and the national flower of Mexico. Its full and abundant layers of petals exude a magnificent and opulent aura. The vibrant orange and white hues symbolize blessings and a sweet and happy life, making it impossible to resist.
Dimension :
50cm W x 62cm H